Courses for all stages of your learning
Sign Language Australia has various non-accredited courses to suit your needs.
Participants will receive learning materials such as student workbooks, Quizlet and Dropbox videos (vocabulary and dialogues)
Where to meet
Auslan Skills Level 1, 2 & 3 held at three convenient locations in Dulwich, Brighton and Klemzig (Adelaide metro areas).
When to meet
2 hours a week for 5 weeks
6pm until 8 pm
Upcoming dates
See our schedules for each level of learning below to find a day that works best for you.
Our Range of Auslan Courses

Auslan Skills Level 9
This course is built to enable learners to continue developing basic skills and knowledge of the Auslan vocabulary and phrases relating to the suggested topics and activities, word/sign order, fingerspelling practice and conversation practice.

Auslan Skills Level 1
This course is designed to enable learners to participate in an exchange relating to greetings, personal information and health in a setting (e.g., at a surgery, a shop, a hospital, a school, a home etc.).

Auslan Skills Level 2
This course is designed to enable learners to participate in an exchange related to weather and weather-related clothing in a setting (e.g. at a school, a home etc.).

Auslan Skills Level 3
This course is designed to enable learners to participate in an exchange related to travels and holidays in a setting (e.g., at a Deaf club, a school, a travel agency etc,).

Auslan Skills Level 4
This course is designed to enable learners to participate in an exchange related to vocabulary and phrases/sentences. Three topics are colours, food, and family.

Auslan Skills Level 5
This course is built to enable learners to participate in an exchange related to vocabulary and phrases/sentences. Two topics are education and technology.

Auslan Skills Level 7
This course is built to enable learners to continue developing intermediate skills and knowledge of the Auslan vocabulary, grammatical sentences (including clause complexes) and discourse elements relating to the suggested topics and activities, word/sign order, fingerspelling practice and conversation practice.

Auslan Skills Level 9
This course is designed to enable learners to continue developing skills and knowledge of the Auslan vocabulary and develop a deeper understanding of Auslan grammar elements. This level aims to build on receptive and expressive Auslan skills through activities and conversational practice.
Looking to Learn Level 4 and Higher?
Sign Language Australia has various other levels of learning at Level 4 and above. If you’re interested in finding out what level might be best for your learning level, or to join one of our other classes at a different level, get in touch with us via our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Auslan Gift Vouchers
Contact Us
Gift Vouchers will be sent out via email to the nominated email address. If you are purchasing a gift voucher for a friend or family member be sure to enter your email address and you can pass on the voucher via email or print it out for them as part of their gift.
“Donovan is my daughter’s main Auslan tutor and she loves working with him. Her Auslan skills are improving and she is confident and enjoys using sign language. I also have studied with Donovan and find his approach engaging as well as appropriately challenging!”
Google Review
“Excellent course, it was highly recommended to me and I will highly recommend to others. I’ve appreciated being corrected on the signs and expressions to make sure I’m doing them accurately. I thought it was very engaging and comprehensive. Everyone in the class was friendly and nice. The teachers are approachable & supportive. Donovan was an excellent teacher. Thank you!”
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